Publications and Forthcoming articles

Transportation Networks and the Geographic Concentration of Employment 2023. (Accepted at Review of Economics and Statistics)
[ Abstract | Recent Draft]

Bureaucratic Discretion in Policy Implementation: Evidence from the Allotment Era (with Christian Dippel and Bryan Leonard). 2022. Public Choice.
[ Abstract | Recent Draft]

Indigenous Self-Governance and Development on American Indian Reservations (with Dominic P. Parker). 2021. AEA Papers and Proceedings (Vol. 111, pp. 233-37).
[ Abstract | Paper | Hoover Report | Replication Package]

Working Papers

Property Rights Without Transfer Rights: A Study of Indian Land Allotment (with Christian Dippel and Bryan Leonard). 2024. (Resubmitted to Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics)
[ Abstract | NBER WP # 27479 | Anderson Review | Vox-EU | How the World Works Podcast ]

The Effect of Allotment on Native American Households During the Assimilation Era (with Christian Dippel). 2021.
[ Abstract | Recent Draft]

Economic Consequences of Childhood Exposure to Urban Environmental Toxins (with Gisella Kagy). 2023.
[ Abstract] | Recent Draft]

Colonial Definitions of Indigenous Identify and Modern Inequality on American Indian Reservations (with Dominic P. Parker) 2021.
[ Abstract]

Local versus Central Governance: Long-Run Effects of Federal Oversight over American Indian Reservations (with Dominic P. Parker) 2019.
[ Abstract | Recent Draft]

Work in Progress

Native Americans in the Historical Census: New Data and Applications (with Christian Dippel)
[ Abstract]

Land Development Along National Highway Networks 2022.
[ Abstract ]

Mortality Consequences of the Interstate Highway System (with Chris Severen)

Market Integration and the Transition to Modern Agriculture